

You have the right to cancel your order within 14 days after the day you received your goods without giving any reason. You must send the goods back within 14 days after informing the trader. You will then be credited with the total amount, including shipping costs. Only the costs for returning the goods from your home to the shop are for your own account. If you use your right of withdrawal, you need to return the goods with all accessories and – if reasonably possible – in its original condition and packaging to us. To exercise this right, please contact us on We will give a refund within 14 days from receipt of your cancellation provided that the returned goods have been received in good order.

Return Address

Pelsterstraat 17
9711 KH Groningen
C.o.C #: 01127440
Vat ID: NL002378077B42

About Us

This WebShop is a part of SiDDiQUiE company which is established from 2008 in the Netherlands.

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 +31 50-80 80 350
 Pelsterstraat 17
9711 KH Groningen
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